
movie review 1Toy Story

This is one of my favorite movies. I have watched this movie again and again when I was a primary school student. At that time, I remember that I was surprised at tree- dimensional cartoon film very much. There is a lot of CG animation now, but I feel this movie still fresh!! Characters of this movie are pretty, and the settings of this story is very natural and we enjoy this movie very much.
My favorite scene is the last scene. Woody and Buzz was trying to catch up with truck. They are very pretty! It was very funny. In addition, in the scene where they flew in the sky, I almost cried unintentionally because a while ago, Buzz didn’t know about he is a toy and he was thinking that he can fly. Actually, he can’t do such a thing. I thought that it is wonderful to do such a way of ending.
I like Stinky in all character most. In Toy Story 2, he play an active part than Toy Story 1. I bought a money box like him. It is very cute!!

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