

How many words
in Week 1:0
in Week 2:268
in Week 3:273
in Week 4:161
Total words up to this point:702

How many posts
in Week 1:0
in Week 2:4
in Week 3:10
in Week 4:3
Total posts up to this point:18

Are all your posts labeled?:Yes
Do you have a label element in your sidebar?:Yes
Do you have a picture in your self intro?:No
Do you have a feed in your sideber?:No
Do you have a list of links that that feature links to 4 other students' blog?:Yes
Do you have Kumamoto Links in sidebar?:No
Do you have other links in sideber?:No
Do you have reviews on Amazon?:No
Do you have listmania lists on Amazon?:No
Do you have any wiki or similar contributions?:No
Do you have advanced media?:No

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